
Especially For Young Women



Do Not Respect Them

This rather long piece will show you just how devious, dishonest and treacherous are so many people whom we think we ought to respect. And if you are a man, you need to wake up to just how badly you are being portrayed and treated by people who are in positions of power.

I have already pointed out in many of my pieces that it is only by being forceful and aggressive that groups can challenge successfully the status quo that is being maintained by those with power  - the whole of History bears witness to this - e.g. see my piece Where's The Men's Movement - but now I want to justify further this transparent call to more aggressive action by pointing out that both feminism and political correctness are, by and large, foisted on to us by people who do not deserve our respect. On the contrary, in my view, they are some of the most disreputable of people living in our midst, and MRAs should have no moral qualms at all about striking them very hard indeed.

I am not talking about the gullible followers in the ordinary population who have simply swallowed all the lies, nor about the feminist men who have bought into these poisonous ideologies and, as a result, sincerely believe that women have always been treated badly compared to men, nor, indeed, about all those empty-headed arrogant self-aggrandised young women who have been brought up to hate men and who seem to spend so much of their time these days parroting the arrant nonsense that their equally empty-headed feminist-indoctrinated teachers once implanted inside their heads.

I am talking about those people who are knowingly disseminating lies, and fuelling hatred toward men in the process, simply because they profit from doing so.

Amongst these culprits, I include for special mention those in many 'respected' groups; such as politicians, academics, government officials, lawyers, judges, senior police officers as well as many of those who work in the media and/or in the abuse industry.

To begin with, however, I need to establish that such 'respected' people are, indeed, wilfully lying and purposely stirring up hatred towards men - for profit.

And, to this end, I am simply going to ask you to use your brains, rather than present you with a catalogue of evidence that you would then need to research in order to verify it.

In other words, with regard to any of the specific examples that will follow below - and I could give you many more - I am simply going to ask you to use your intelligence to ascertain whether or not what I am telling you is true. And the only 'research' that might be required on your part if you wish to verify my claims can be done very quickly using Google.

 I am restricting myself below to giving evidence which - to my mind at least - is very easily verified and understood.

(I know that many of you reading this will already be well aware of the mountains of evidence supporting the contentions that follow, and many of you will also have looked at some of the official 'research' carried out by many of the 'respected' groups above. But many newcomers will not be so familiar with these issues, and I specifically want to avoid presenting them with, for example, facts and figures which, as far as they are concerned, might or might not be true. In other words, I am restricting myself below to giving evidence which - to my mind at least - is very easily verified and understood.)

QUESTION: Are 'respected' groups of people purposely lying and stirring up hatred towards men for profit?

Example A: Over the past two decades or so many 'respected' groups and persons have claimed that there is a Gender Pay Gap, and that women get paid less for the same work that men do. 

Now, for present purposes, we can ignore completely the question of whether or not there is, indeed, such a gap.

But what we can say - surely with absolute certainty - is that any wage gap that does, in fact, exist, must at least be caused partially by the choices that women make, and at least caused partially by the statistical differences between the natural propensities, strengths and weaknesses of men and women.

Thus, for example, surely there can be no question in anybody's mind that because far more women than men, statistically speaking, give up their careers in order to raise families, then this factor alone is going to have some significant bearing on the issue of the pay gap - which is a statistical gap.

So why is it that when these 'respected' groups have vociferously complained in the past about the alleged pay gap, they have rarely, if ever, mentioned the fact that the choices of women must have at least some bearing on the issue?

Why try to suppress this fact?

Surely, if these 'respected' groups wanted to see a serious and honest public discussion ... then they would not try to hide important factors

Surely, if these 'respected' groups wanted to see a serious and honest public discussion take place about the alleged pay gap, then they would not try to hide important factors that are, quite clearly, relevant to it?

Now, please remember that I am talking about the 'respected' groups of people mentioned above - not ordinary folk.

These people are not stupid.

Indeed, they will contain some of the most intelligent people in the land.

And so it just cannot be the case that these 'respected' groups have simply failed to realise that women's choices must have at least some bearing on the issue.

As such, it absolutely must be the case that these 'respected' groups who persistently decline to reveal the full reasons for the alleged pay gap in their public rhetoric about it are purposely attempting to deceive the people.

In other words, they are lying to them.

Thus, ...

FIRM CONCLUSION 1: They are lying.

 in the commercial world, the feminist-inspired myth that women are paid less than men for the same work is risible

Furthermore, of course, in the commercial world, the feminist-inspired myth that women are paid less than men for the same work is risible; because if this was true then the men would soon be booted out of their jobs and replaced by the cheaper women. Shareholders and management would hardly tolerate employing more expensive workers when cheaper ones were available. They would be committing commercial suicide if they failed to employ the 'cheaper' women while other businesses rushed to do so.

Thus, it simply cannot be the case that in the commercial world employers are paying men more to do the same jobs as women. (If they did, they would soon be obliterated by the competition, and the alleged pay gap could not last for very long.)

Now, here is a very simple question for you.

Why do people persistently lie - or persistently attempt to deceive others - over any given matter?

When and why do people do this?

Well, I'll tell you.

They do so whenever they believe that they have something to gain by lying. In other words, they expect to profit from doing so.

Thus, we can already conclude that our 'respected' groups expect to profit by lying.

Otherwise, why would they do it?

Thus, ...

FIRM CONCLUSION 2: They are profiting in some way from their lies.

And now, here is another very simple question to answer.

With specific regard to the pay gap issue, is it the case that the lies and the deceptions of our 'respected' groups have resulted in an increase in hatred towards men?

Well, the answer is surely, Yes - because, in a nutshell, these 'respected' groups have been persuading women over the years that the wage gap is due to men persistently discriminating against them.

And the result has been that women across the western world have for many years been inflamed with anger towards men for, allegedly, cheating them when it comes to their pay.

Indeed, and for example, I still remember a female MP (Jenny Tonge) telling viewers to a very popular programme in the UK that "women not only needed to get equal pay with men, they needed to 'get even' with men" - where 'get even' means 'to take revenge' - for men's alleged wickedness in cheating women out of fair pay.

the audience applauded and cheered the notion that women should 'get even'

As was typical of the times when it came to this issue, the audience applauded and cheered the notion that women should 'get even' - which reflects how effective has been the campaign of hatred towards men associated with this particular issue.

Indeed, it was publicly accepted that women should 'get even' over many issues; e.g. over their alleged 'oppression' by men throughout history - a notion that is mostly untenable; e.g. see Were Women Oppressed in the West?

And this incitement to 'get even' remains strong even today.

Thus, ...

FIRM CONCLUSION 3: The 'respected' groups are lying. They are stirring up hatred towards men. And they are profiting from doing so

With regard to the wage gap issue alone, they have been doing these things for two whole decades - with much success. 

(For example, check out Google for any rhetoric prior to 2003 from the 'respected' groups associated with the pay gap. Notice that there is no mention by these 'respected' groups of the fact that women's choices might have something to do with it. Or take a look at this from the BBC News website in 2001 - Men also still have higher wages despite equal pay legislation - the clear implication being that men are somehow colluding together to break the law by giving men higher pay. As another example - this time from the UK's Equal Opportunities Commission - the EOC renews call for equal pay audits.)

Now, it is true to say that, thanks to the internet and to the MM, there is some light getting through to the public with regard to this issue, and the 'respected' groups that have been lying have recently had to grit their teeth and back off, bit by bit. In other words, they are finally having to accept that they can no longer get away fully with all their customary deceptions about the pay gap.

But for two whole decades, they did. 

'respected' groups of people in our society are prepared to lie and to stir up hatred towards men simply in order to feather their own nests.

Now, before I move on to the next example, I want to stop my flow for the moment, and simply admit to you that - even with regard to the issue of the pay gap - I find myself truly outraged by the fact that 'respected' groups of people in our society are prepared to lie and to stir up hatred towards men simply in order to feather their own nests.

It is bad enough when, for example, people or companies exaggerate how wonderful are their services or their products - though, of course, there is usually some kind of law to prevent too much in the way of exaggeration or deceit in this area - but for 'respected' groups of people to try continually to 'sell' their own products or services by almost unrestrainedly stirring up hatred toward their own men by using deception and deceit seems to me to be utterly deplorable.

Thus, in my view, this situation also tells us something rather important about the 'respected' people who are doing this.

First and foremost, it surely tells us that they do not deserve to be respected.

Indeed, I think that they deserve to be clobbered very hard.

And please remember that the people in these 'respected' groups are often highly intelligent - with many of them - such as successful politicians - being top-notch first-rate activists - political or otherwise - with years and years of experience, and who also have access to others with similar expertise from whom they can learn.

In other words, they know damn well what they are doing.

They know that any alleged pay gap has got at least something to do with women's choices.

They know that they are lying and deceiving when they fail to address this highly relevant fact.

And they know that they can profit themselves by stirring up hatred towards men via this issue.

So. Who are these lofty people who want to stir up hatred towards their very own countrymen - in this particular case, by being deceitful over the reasons for the alleged pay gap? And why are they doing it?

Well, there are three things that I can claim with much confidence when it comes to answering these two questions. 

Firstly, it has got precious little to do with these people wanting to get rid of the alleged pay gap.

This is all about them wanting to create and maintain jobs, empires, power and wealth - for themselves.

And you, as a man, are their patsy.

 unless men and women are forced to be identical in almost every way imaginable, these people will always be able to claim that there is a pay gap of some kind

Secondly, unless men and women are forced to be identical in almost every way imaginable, these people will always be able to claim that there is a pay gap of some kind, and so, in practice, they will never stop lying and they will never stop stirring up hatred towards men - unless they are prevented from doing so.

(To gain some understanding of why 'their' pay gap will never disappear see my piece entitled Equality Between Men and Women Is Not Achievable. Once again, you will only need to use your brains rather than wade through any major research.)

Thirdly, these lofty and 'respected' people know this.

They know that they will never get rid of the pay gap.

How do I know that they know this?

Very simple.

I have been a strong (but part-time) activist for 8 years.

Many of these people have been at this game for over 35 years. 

Many of them are very well-funded. Many work professionally and get paid to worry about such issues in their full-time jobs. And many are far more intelligent than me.

And if I can see that the gender pay gap issue can never be 'solved', then so can they.

For example, as I mention in the piece alluded to above, if women were, in fact, to get paid more than men, then these people would almost certainly start demonising men on the grounds that women were now paying more in taxes than men. 

So, from where I am sitting, not only do I see "respected" people purposely lying about the pay gap and stirring up hatred towards men in the process, it seems to me that they will never stop doing this. (Also see A Permanent Gender War?)

EXAMPLE B: For some two decades now, certain groups who claim to be concerned with the welfare of children - such as the NSPCC in the UK - have been drowning out almost any public debate concerning sexual abuse with the hysterical notion that, "It will ruin their lives."

Now, apart from the fact that this notion is highly debatable - in the sense that any effects on future lives are surely dependent upon what, exactly, happened - it is absolutely clear that persistently pummeling into children's brains the idea that such abuse will 'ruin their lives' will, in fact, increase very much the likelihood that such a result will come about for those children who have, indeed, been abused; e.g. see my piece Children's Charities Sued for Millions?

Thus, I doubt that there is any parent of an abused child reading this who would persist in telling their own child that their life is now 'ruined' - as a result of some past abuse.

Indeed, I would go much further. 

I would say that any adult who tries to indoctrinate abused children with the view that their lives are now 'ruined' ought to be locked up - for sheer cruelty towards those children.

But such a sentiment is exactly what many of these child-abuse groups have been propounding very loudly for the past many years.

 these people have actually been prepared to inflict serious, long-term harm on to all those children who have been abused

In other words, these people have actually been prepared to inflict serious, long-term harm on to all those children who have been abused in order to achieve some aim.

But what aim, exactly? - because, quite clearly, they are certainly not very concerned about children who have been abused.

And the answer to this question is the same as for the previous example.

This is all about them wanting to create and maintain jobs, empires, power and wealth - for themselves.

And, once again, you, as a man, are their patsy - because, for the most part, you are the target of their hatred when it comes to 'abuse' - and, in this particular case, children who have been abused also have to bear the costs of their nefarious activities.

Now, some of you might think, "Well, they are only doing their best in order to highlight child sexual abuse."

But, think again.

For example, you could surely argue with equal validity that, for example, it would be morally acceptable to keep telling children whose parents had divorced that 'their lives will be ruined' as a result of the divorce.

After all, they might be.

But just because an event such as divorce or abuse might lead to negative long-term effects for particular children, surely it is a thoroughly unconscionable act to persistently tell all children in such circumstances that their lives will be ruined? - because one thing is for certain; whatever negative effects such events would have had, they will be magnified and compounded enormously by such rhetoric; e.g. see my piece Tea Abuse.

"Your life is ruined. Your life is ruined. Your life is ruined." 

Furthermore, of course, most readers of this website will be well aware that divorce does, indeed, have large negative effects on a great number of children. But would anyone here really consider it moral or ethical to implant into the minds of those children with single parents the belief that, inevitably, their lives will be ruined?

Would we ever go round telling the children of single parents, "Your life is ruined"?

I don't think so.

So. What kind of lowlife would, in fact, keep saying such things to those children who have, indeed, suffered from 'abuse'?

Well, clearly, this lowlife is to be found in many of our 'respected' groups.

FIRM CONCLUSION 1: These people are lying - and, worse, they are actually hurting the very children whom they would claim to be so concerned about.

[January 2013. I have just learned that the UK's biggest children's charity, the NSPCC,  is now burying the data that shows children to be better off living with their biological parents by merging their data with those representing 'other' family models.]

Now, as before, when people persistently lie or deceive, it is because they have something to gain by doing so.

In this case, these 'respected' groups are mostly hoping to gain attention, power and funding. After all, I think that we can assume that their primary goal is not, actually, to hurt children.

Thus, ...

FIRM CONCLUSION 2: They are profiting in some way from their lies.

With specific regard to this issue, is it the case that the lies and deceptions of our 'respected' groups have resulted in an increase in hatred towards men?

Of course they have. 

The child-abuse industry has been at the forefront of fuelling this hatred towards men. Indeed, this industry in now also targeting women quite heavily.

However, the point here is that the answer is, Yes.

Thus, ...

FIRM CONCLUSION 3: They are lying. They are stirring up hatred towards men. And they are profiting from doing so

EXAMPLE C: A couple of years ago, a postman in the UK who stopped his delivery bicycle in the street and impulsively kissed a woman acquaintance on the cheek was charged with 'sexual assault and battery' because she later objected to his behaviour. 

The jury did not swallow it, and he was cleared - e.g. see my piece Kissing is Battery.

But the point here is this.

The government officials in the Crown Prosecution Service and the police clearly tried to have this man convicted of 'sexual assault and battery' merely for planting an unwanted kiss on a woman's cheek. 

And, of course, had he been convicted, his lifetime police record would have said that he had committed 'sexual assault and battery' - an appalling and gross misrepresentation of what this man had actually done.

In fact, a downright lie.

But this attempt to exaggerate wildly over matters concerning 'abuse' is par for the course. This has been happening for the past three decades in just about every area where 'abuse' is the issue.

Whether it is rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault etc etc, the 'respected' groups that are concerned with these issues have tried in just about every way possible to deceive the public over these matters. And this nonsense about a quick kiss being 'sexual assault and battery' is just one example of their persistent attempts to demonise men, to extend their definitions of 'abuse' and to exaggerate wildly the nature of the 'crime' - in this case, a kiss on the cheek.

Even the American notion of "statutory rape" is designed to give the impression to the public that every illicit penetrative act with an underage person is an act of force

Even the American notion of "statutory rape" is designed to give the impression to the public that every illicit penetrative act with an underage person is an act of force and violence - "rape" - taking place against the person's will, when, in fact, this, relatively speaking, is rarely the case.

(Always remember that more extreme things tend to happen much less often than less extreme things. In other words, you can bet your last dollar that the number of statutory rapes involving force is much, much lower than the number of such 'rapes' that do not involve force. The term 'rape', however, is specifically chosen by the government to implant the former into the minds of the public even though it is the latter that is the more common, by far.)

Well, I do not think that anyone reading this needs to research the notion that whatever an unwanted kiss on the cheek might be, it is definitely not 'sexual assault and battery'.

Furthermore, a quick look at the legal definitions makes it clear that someone who is convicted of "statutory rape" has not necessarily engaged in the type of activity that most of the public normally understands by the term "rape".

In both cases, the idea is clearly to try to make the unthinking public believe the worst about the perpetrators and, hence, about the nature and frequency of men's misbehaviours. 

Indeed, when it comes to rape, the public and the justice system seem nowadays to regard rape as being akin to murder - particularly the murder of men - judging by the sentences that are handed out and the rhetoric.

And yet the notion that rape and murder - particularly what is commonly regarded as 'rape' these days - are even remotely equivalent to each other is preposterous. They are a million miles apart. 

But this insulting equivalence demonstrates just how successful has been the devaluation of men throughout the western world and how adept have been the 'respected' groups at exaggerating the effects of all types of 'abuse'.

Here is just another recent example of a 'respected' group trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public ...

The British Crime Survey's summary in its chapter on Intimate Violence flags up the fact that 'stalking' was the most common form of intimate violence experienced in the past year. This may seem like a cause for alarm. Yet dig deeper into the report and it confirms that most stalking convictions were for letter-writing or telephone calls (67 per cent) ...

This is an example of the government trying to inflate in the minds of the public the figures for the incidence of 'Intimate Violence'; the idea clearly being to mislead the public into believing that both the frequency and the severity of violence committed by men are much worse than is actually the case.

Equally appalling, of course, is the fact that all allegations of rape are counted as real rapes in the crime statistics of most western governments, even though the evidence suggests that in these countries the majority of rape allegations are false.

In summary, when it comes to the issue of 'abuse', we can surely say this about many of our 'respected' groups.

FIRM CONCLUSION: They are lying. They are stirring up hatred towards men. And they are profiting from doing so

Furthermore, regardless how one actually feels about specific kinds of 'abuse', surely we should expect those in our 'respected' groups to tell us the truth about them, not to exaggerate wildly or to deceive us - particularly when this also results in a stirring up of hatred toward an entire group of their own people.

In addition, my own view is that no matter how awful is a crime or a criminal, we should always be told the truth by our 'respected' groups, and they should not attempt to portray those crimes or criminals as being far worse than, in fact, they are.

It is bad enough when, let's say, the tabloids do such things, but it should be totally unacceptable for the government and the legal system to do this.

I should also add that these 'respected' groups that are concerned with 'abuse' will also never be 'satisfied' - because they will always seek to extend the definitions of 'abuse' so that they cover more and more typical forms of normal non-abusive behaviour.

[January 2014. A sex education chief has been criticised over warnings that forcing children to kiss relatives could be harmful. Kissing  your grandmother might lead to sexual abuse, apparently.]

Remember: Some of these respected groups sought to have an unwanted kiss classified as 'sexual assault and battery'. Writing unwanted letters is currently being categorised as intimate 'violence'. 

(And there are numerous other examples that I could give to demonstrate that these 'respected' groups will never stop attempting to demonise men; because, basically, they forever want bigger pensions, larger empires, higher status and better pay.)

EXAMPLE D: My final example comes from the world of medicine, and it is probably best understood by looking at this short piece entitled Who Really Engages More In Self Harm; Men Or Women? You will see that the 'respected' groups who work on health matters sneakily reverse their view with regard to the different levels of self-harm that men and women supposedly inflict upon themselves - as usual, in order to portray women, rather than men, as the major victims -  whatever the true circumstances might be. And they do this by pushing out of the picture those self-harming activities wherein men self-harm more so than women.

But when it comes to explaining why men are outlived by women, the fact that men self-harm more so than women is suddenly 'recognised' - but it is used as a basis for blaming men for their lesser longevity.

In other words, in order to explain why men do not live as long as women, it is argued that this is because men do stupid things whereby they harm themselves more than do women (e.g. they drink more than women) but when it comes to talking about self-harming activities, in general, the majority of self-harming activities engaged in by men are pushed out of sight, while those self-harming activities mostly engaged in by women are the only ones that are included in the discussions.

it is also being argued ... that the poorer health of men should be one of the reasons why they should gradually be obliterated from the human population

Furthermore, if you read the piece, you will see that it is also being argued (indeed, with increasing frequency) that the poorer health of men should be one of the reasons why they should gradually be obliterated from the human population and, further, that men should be outlived by women.

In summary, the message from these 'respected' groups concerned with health matters is that women are the victims (despite the fact that they live longer and healthier lives) whereas men are becoming increasingly superfluous to the human race, and can soon be dispensed with. (Also see Steve Jones - A Parasite?)

Once again, therefore, we can say this about some of our 'respected' groups of people - in this case, working in the world of medical academia, ...

FIRM CONCLUSION: They are lying. They are stirring up hatred towards men. And they are profiting from doing so.

And most of the profiting in this instance is to do with empire building and funding.

Basically, western governments and funding organisations will not provide much in the way of support to academics whose work tends to undermine the ideologies of feminism and political correctness. And so, for example, this usually means that women must always be portrayed as being victims, men must be blamed for this state of affairs, and when men are, in fact, victims, then this must be hidden from view as much as possible.

For example, when it comes to men and boys committing suicide, ...

Even in academia, where you can find studies on the most obscure topics, there is little research explaining why boys are disproportionately killing themselves. The Center for Adolescence at Stanford, a nationally recognized clearinghouse on teen behavior, has no one on its long roster of experts who can speak on the topic. Neither does the American Association of Suicidology, an organization dedicated to suicide prevention since 1968. 

"As much as I would love to lead the charge (in finding out why boys kill themselves), try to go out and get funding for it," said Lanny Berman, the executive director of the association. He is frustrated that funders aren't interested in studying boys and men. 

"If there is no research money available, no academician is going to go that route," he said. "As executive director, I have to pay attention to fundable projects." 

So the association has an expert on female suicide but none on male suicide, even though suicide is an overwhelmingly male issue well beyond adolescence

Joan Ryan


(My underlining.)

Furthermore, those academics who have the bravery to oppose the current-day ideology wherein women must be portrayed as being deserving - while men must be portrayed as being relatively worthless and should be treated as such - are quite likely to find themselves in serious professional trouble as well as having to bear significant hostility from various well-organised victim groups - many of which are, in fact, covers for political activist groups; e.g. see  Concealment And Distortion by Professor Murray Strauss.

Finally, I cannot resist pointing out that when it comes to 'respected' groups lying, stirring up hatred towards men, and profiting in the process, there is, of course, another group - consisting of quite a few million women - that is, women who take advantage of the current climate of misandry that prevails; e.g. by making false allegations and/or by exaggerating hugely the extent of their suffering following any alleged incident.


Throughout this piece I have tried to give some examples that demonstrate that many 'respected' groups of people are lying to the public about many serious issues and, further, that they are stirring up hatred towards men with the specific intention of serving themselves in some way. 

Furthermore, I do not think that these examples require much in the way of 'academic research' to establish their validity.

But the main point of this piece is to highlight the fact that these 'respected' groups should not be respected.

 most of the social science research on gender issues these days is phony and/or it is decidedly unconvincing. 

Furthermore, there is very little point in discussing various statistics or research findings when it comes to combating these groups because, in fact, most of the social science research on gender issues these days is phony and/or it is decidedly unconvincing; e.g. see Can You Trust Academic Research?

Besides which, as I pointed out above, the main aim of these respected groups is to serve themselves, not to solve the issues that they claim they are concerned with and, further, that many lofty people in these 'respected' groups are well aware that these issues can never be 'resolved' in practice - e.g. also see Signing the Sex Consent Document for a further insight into this.

In other words, these people will continue to demonise men no matter what the situation - and no matter what the 'research' findings.

Now, I have no doubts at all that these 'respected' people are going to be exposed eventually for the dishonest, malicious, greedy people that they must be, but the longer that this takes the longer will your life as a man continue to be seriously undermined and poisoned by them.

As such, MRAs should have no qualms at all about destroying their empires, nor about stirring up as much hatred towards them as they have been doing toward you for the past three decades. In other words, fight fire with fire.

 how long are you prepared to tolerate men being charged with 'sexual assault and battery' simply for giving an inappropriate kiss?

After all, how long are you prepared to tolerate men being charged with 'sexual assault and battery' simply for giving an inappropriate kiss?

How long are you prepared to live in a world wherein any woman - no matter how wicked - can damage your life horrendously simply by making a false accusation?

How long are you prepared to see your children and the nation's children brought up to fear you and to hate you? - e.g. see NSPCC Needs To Be Stopped.

How long are you prepared to be portrayed as worthless and to be treated as such? - not only by the law, but even by 'scientists'. 

Remember, they will continue to do these things forever into the future because their 'issues' will never be solved to their 'satisfaction'. (For example, they can always keep 'changing the goalposts' when it comes to matters of 'abuse'.)

And something that I really must get across to you is the fact that many of the 'respected' people in our 'respected' groups know this.

Of course they do.

Many are highly intelligent. Many are very experienced activists of some sort. And many will also know from their history books that demonising and stirring up hatred toward some targeted group - in this case, 'men' - is a very effective way of maintaining empires, funding, wealth and power.

Indeed, this tactic has been repeated time and time again very successfully throughout the whole of history.

Firm Conclusion: These are really nasty people.

And if the public becomes much more aware of just how malicious and self-serving are these 'respected' groups, then MRAs will not need to waste so much of their time discussing this piece of 'research' from 1970, or that piece of 'research' from 1990, because once these 'respected' groups are exposed for who they really are, their credibility on all matters will plummet like a stone and the public will much more readily see what they are getting up to.

Finally, for any women reading this, Watch Out, because these 'respected' groups are increasingly coming after you - e.g. see A senior nurse at a leading public school has been sacked after smacking her 10-year-old son at home.

Of course they will be coming after you.

They want the 'business'.


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Part 4 On Reality


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... War on Drugs - Who benefits from the war on drugs?

... A Woman Needs A Man Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle - Surely, the evidence would suggest otherwise.

... Why Governments Love Feminism - It is mostly to do with money and power, not equality.

... The Psychological Differences Between Men and Women - Are women really more emotional than men?

...  Equality Between Men and Women Is Not Achievable -  especially since Hilary Clinton said that, "Women are the primary victims of war."

... Cultural Marxism And Feminism - The connections between Cultural Marxism and Feminism.

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